Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Film Review (2008)

Apparently Brendan Fraser has a lot of fighting mummies and turned to carnivorous plants, snappers with razor teeth and the occasional T-Rex to keep his advantage. It is clear that targeted children, the 3D spectacle attracts older viewers more than plot and character definition. New technology has moved on from the days of red and blue plastic cups and improvements are clear for sve.Tipično sci-fi with a touch of humor that keeps the younger audience chuckling throughout, this film has everything you'd expect from a take on the Jules Verne classic.

Professor Trevor Anderson (Brendan Fraser) is the head of volcanic activity center at the college. Having spent the last ten years of monitoring seismic activity without success, the department is on the verge of closing. This is Trevor's brother, Max, who originally founded the Institute for Research by placing units around the world. However, for some unknown reason, Max did not return from the research trip ten years earlier. Life does not look good for Trevor ....

Enter Sean (Josh Hutcherson), son of Max, a typical PS2 game teenager with an attitude to boot. During the week-long stay, Trevor gets his hands on the original Jules Verne novel, full of notes from his late brata.Izvanredna matches later and they are both (Trevor and Sean) on the plane to Iceland with a mission to do volcanologists do. Little did they know that they will be embarking on an incredible journey .. in the center of the earth!

Anita Briem plays the role of mountain guides and welcome addition to the cast and not just because of its simplicity to the eye. Fortunately, the story picks up after a somewhat slow start, and the viewer is treated to action packed hour real sci-fi fun with considerable humor to fill the gaps.

The story is simple, but the film is fun and keeps young children entertained se.3D images will reach up to block flying obstacles in front of you and jokes, and cringeworthy for the older audience will be entertained by the younger minds.

with your target audience in mind, this movie is definitely worth at least seven. I would have second thoughts about going, if you are older than 12, though!

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posted by Alexander @ 19.33  

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