Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011
How to Make an Effective Web Video For the Cost of a Cappuccino

Lights, camera, action! There is a reason for that purpose. If the light is bad then no matter how good your camera, your action will look bad. When a professional crew to turn up to shoot the truck they will have different lights to choose from.

for you what the light means that the time and place. You have to find a place that is well lit, with as much natural light as possible. So the office with lots of windows on a bright day is perfect. As light levels drop you will find that your camera will try to compensate by raising the brightness of the image that is all that is grainy and "noisy." More light you have, the less work the camera must be done to make the images acceptable for a bright and better final video will be .

It is useful to have a couple of table lamps with hand if possible. You can use these to add extra light on the subject, or to add texture to the wall behind the object. For the lighting of the subject make sure you bounce the light off light-colored wall, ceiling or a large piece of card. To add texture only shining light on the wall to make a shot more interesting and make the walls look less flat. You can also use plants, posters, or a related industry props to make the place look more interesting, just remember not to crowd the person in the frame.

can use a very basic camera and still get a good result. If you have a digital camera, this film is perfect, you can film your piece and quickly downloaded to your computer for editing via FireWire cable. Most digital photo cameras now have the option of film, it would also be good enough quality for your website. Again you will need to upload to your computer using the cable that connects your camera to the computer in this case, probably USB. If your computer has a webcam that can be used, but it's starting to get to the bottom end of acceptable quality. You'll find that the light will need to be very good, a low frame rate might seem a bit final video stutter. There are different possibilities to get Web video into your computer for editing, such as Windows Movie Maker, included with Windows XP and Vista. Finally, you can use a mobile phone to capture video. This is likely to suffer from the same quality issues as a webcam, but at least you'll be able to download the images directly on your computer pretty easily.

What is the point of telling the world about your new widget, if no one can hear you talking about? Professional crew will have a choice of wireless, or standard boom mics. Your options are more limited. If you use a camcorder you can use the built in microphone. As long as the camera is close enough to the subject, and the room was nice and quiet it should be ok. Much better would be to buy the microphone plug into the camera. This gives you much more control over the quality of sound and meaning that the camera placement can be optimized for the big picture. If you do not use your camcorder, you can use the built-in microphone on računalu.Problem is that you must be near a computer, and it seems strange shot setup, unless you're using a webcam. Regardless of the method to settle you have to test that when you are full of widget-rant volume is loud enough to hear, but not so loud that it distorts the sound.

So you get a brightly lit office, the light bouncing off the ceiling and other wall lighting behind the building to add texture. You have a picture of Shiny Widgets on the wall and a comfy chair to sit in while you deliver your message. Our professional corporate video producers now to set the camera on a tripod and 'lock it off. "You need to achieve a similar effect, but using less exotic solution-a lot of books! You need to get a camera built around eye level, any more and you'll look like a man looking up to heaven for help, any lower and you will come across as the director talks with the child. You have to make a stable platform for the camera, so find a permanent chair and a bunch of encyclopedia or whatever industry tomes can be found in the office. Now, what is it you would have to say?

If you are a very talented speaker, and very confident in front of the camera you'll need to write what you want to say and practice before you turn on the camera. You May even need someone to keep the card for you with all these scripts. Just make sure you do not block any of your carefully positioned lights.

Now turn the camera and go for it! Do not expect to get things right the first time. In fact, even if you think you got it right, do not even take just to be sure. Do not worry about stopping and starting the camera between takes, you can use your editing package to cut only the part you need.

At the end you need to edit your movie. You can use Windows Movie Maker, if you have a computer, or iMovie if you have a Mac. Both are more than capable you edit your mistakes, adding titles and outputs the appropriate format. Your video will now be ready to go online, or on your website, e-mail or YouTube for customers.

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posted by Alexander @ 05.42  

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