Senin, 07 November 2011
Movie Review: Buried

Buried a suspenseful masterpiece of minimalism to put a smile on the face of Hitchcock. S buried, Rodrigo Cortes argues that it could very well be a force to be reckoned with. Built on such a simple (and seemingly boring at first) space, Cortes seems buried one of the most enchanting and captivating films of the year. With so little work, it is a wonder to watch as enthusiastic as Cortes can draw much from this film. This is how minimalism is supposed to be done. He was buried, suspense thriller that even Hitchcock would be proud, so masterfully done that the new director can not help but marvel at what can be seen on the screen, while at the same time, feeling so unnerved that you can not stay away.

is buried in the story Paul Conroy, an American truck driver working as a contractor in Iraq. After the attack on his convoy, Paul wakes up slowly realize that their relationship is captured in a wooden coffin. He was buried alive. But with the help of his Zippo and mobile, Paul Conroy is not ready to die. Paul desperately need to organize their plans for escape. Using a cell phone, he desperately tries to reach the outside world in an attempt to find someone to help. From the Department of State 911 on his wife, Paul desperately scrambles to contact any resource possible in an effort to avoid the to-be grave. With its oxygen-derived, and the phone battery dies quickly, he embarks on a frantic race against time to get rid of their captors and escape death.

The entire film takes place inside the box (that's right, there is no cut-away scene at all), the audience is right there with Paul participates in prison. You share that intense feeling of being trapped with Paul, claustrophobic misery of it all. And as the story unfolds, trapped right there with him, you sympathize with Paul's situation and find yourself wanting to scream with him as a rescue attempt after attempt was in vain. It is up to the last phone call. With time quickly fading away and the rescue attempt in progress, the final 5 minutes of the most gripping scenes as if they're right there with Paul, desperately need to release as much as he does so as Cortes wrings every bit of drama that he can out of this story .

Cortes was this film so much flame in the cylinders during the film as well. Addressing issues such as war, terrorism, military, government and human nature, Cortes truly achieve so much in so little. Taking the old adage "less is more" to a whole new level, buried shows what a skilled director Cortes can be. It creates a nail biter thriller that will most certainly leave you on the edge of your seat, clawing at the bag as you become so enthralled by this thriller.

In addition, Ryan Reynolds is at his best here. You really sucking as he plays an average Joe character is a victim of the policy of war and terrorism. Fighting for his life, you become attracted to his gripping performance that really makes you believe. It's really a sense of his despair. You can be sympathetic to his character as he finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Desperately looking for a relief to him as you feel you are right there in the box with him as the tension is cranked up with every minute. Very few people have ever been successfully carried out a movie just like Ryan Reynolds does here (Will Smith in I Am Legend and Tom Hanks in Cast Away are a few exceptions ).

Eduard Grau expert cinematography only helps build the claustrophobic tension of the film and leave you wonderfully uncomfortable through this tense thriller. Faced with the daunting task of keeping everything inside the box and keeping it fresh and greedy, Grau work really contributes to the suspenseful feel of the film and it really helps to put you right in the box with Reynolds.

No, no mistakes, be buried at the border getting a bit "preachy" at times as Cortes criticized the war and the government, and illustrates his anger with all that is wrong with the world. Also, there are times when you feel like you can pull on. Seemingly designed as a place to give you a moment to breathe, there are moments that leave you just sitting in a box. There you will see how boring the bare-bones premise of the film as you're ready to Cortes and his crew return to capture the drama. And though there are moments where it seems Cortes was a little desperate to keep things fresh and to provide excitement. For example, a snake? Really?

Rodrigo Cortes, however, proved to Burke that is definitely a skilled master when it comes to film. He showed that he could very well be found there with the greats like Hitchcock before all is said and done. He will certainly be one that I will be looking for in the future. Delivery of such a nail-biting and unique experience, he was buried in a definite must-see for all lovers of thrillers žanra.Uspon and fall and rise again of tension throughout the film will have a rapid heartbeat and your skin crawl so terribly uncomfortable Cortes, Reynolds and Grau make this a claustrophobic nightmare. However, the whole and can not be separated. As I said before, the last 5 or so minutes of this movie will literally clawing at his place as the final minutes of clicking away for Paul Conroy. All this has resulted in, quite possibly, one of the best movies ever endings.

RATING: 8 / 10

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posted by Alexander @ 23.49  

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